Analisis Agresivitas Siswa Kelas V SDN Se-Gugus Bukit Tobek Gema Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hulu Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013
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The purpose of this study is: 1) find a picture aggressiveness students on parental occupation
(father) and (mother) 2) reveal the aggressiveness of male and female students 3) determine the
aggressiveness overview. The study population is 139 students. Results of this study were
students in the category of less aggressiveness with frequency counts 131 students (94.24%)
aggressiveness students based on parental occupation was the most dominant of the students that
their parents work as a driver in the amount of 34.94% aggressiveness students based on parent
education is the most dominant of the education of students who do not complete primary school
parents in the amount of 32.07% emotional verbal aggressiveness of male students in primary
school as Tobek Hill Cluster Reverberation Kampar Kiri Hulu subdistrict is the highest in the
answer is never, amounting to 47.43 % social physical aggressiveness of male students is the
highest in the answer is never, amounting to 71.88% verbal aggressiveness of male students in
primary school is highest in the answer is never, amounting to 75.74% aggressiveness deskruktif
male students at SDN is the highest in the answer is never, amounting to 62.01% emotional
verbal aggressiveness of female students is the highest in the answer is never, amounting to
49.14% social physical aggressiveness is the highest in the answer is never, amounting to
79.04% verbal aggressiveness in elementary school is the highest in the answer is never,
amounting to 77.73% aggressiveness deskruktif female students is the highest in the answer that
never amounted to 64.95%.
Analisis Agresivitas Siswa Kelas V SDN
Aggressiveness Students