Analisis Cara-Cara Guru Memotivasi Belajar Siswa Di SDN Se-Rayon Kampar Kiri Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013
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The purpose of this study is to describe the ways teachers motivate students. The study
sampel totaling 105 teachers. The method used is descriptive. Data collection
techniques in this study is to used questionnaire. Data analysis techniques with a
percentage. The results of this study are: 1) teacher give assessment to protege in the
form of objective value number to student according to ably student 2) teacher give
present in the form of cup to a success student get champion in class that is 22.09 3)
teacher motivate to learn student given opportunity to more bright student / ad for to be
more go forward in learning that is 24.37 4) teacher motivate to learn student explained
for the importance of Iesson items which in teaching that is 21.88 5) teacher motivate to
learn student by test by restating each;every used up discussion fundamental that is
21.42 6) Teacher in motivating to learn student announced result of semester test to
student that is 22.44. 7) teacher in motivating to learn student always give praise to
student which have got top three rangking that is 21.06 8) teacher punish student which
abstract / deserted from school before learn to finish that is 21.41 9) teacher try to push
diligent to student so that learn at home that is with percentage 21.99%; 10) Most
teachers in memotiovasi learn student by giving restating and praise to student
Analisis Cara-Cara Guru Memotivasi Belajar Siswa Di SDN
Ways To Motivate Students’ Learning