Analisis Emosi Siswa Kelas Vi Sdn Se-Gugus Toeroba Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013
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The purpose of this study is 1) to describe positive emotions students 2) to describe the
negative emotions students 3) reveal the emotions students based on the work of parents 4)
reveal the emotions students based on parental education. The study population was all sixth
grade students at SDN Se Toeroba Kampar Kiri Force totaling 114 students. The method used
is descriptive and analytical. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and analysis
techniques is by percentage. The results of this study are: 1) the average number of students'
answers on the negative emotions show the percentage of students agreed that the answer was
35.67% 2) the average number of students' answers on students' positive emotion shows the
percentage of responses agreed that is equal to 46.73% 3) depiction negative emotions of
students based on parental occupation (father) is the most dominant in students whose parents
worked as a trader ie with a percentage of 50.24% 4) picture of students' positive emotion
based on the work of parents (the father) is the most dominant in the student his work as a
civil servant is a percentage of 76.30% with 5) picture negative emotions student based parent
education (mother) is the most dominant in the parents of students who pendidian SMA is the
percentage of 42.38% 6) illustration sixth grade students' positive emotion SDN Toeroba a
cluster based on parental education (mother) is the most dominant in the education of students
whose parents are high school with a percentage of 79.17%.
Analisis Emosi Siswa Kelas VI
Analisis, Emotional Student