Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Bowling Kampus Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pokok Bahasan Hukum-Hukum Dasar Kimia Dan Perhitungan Kimia Di Kelas X SMA Al-Muslimun Seikijang
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This study aims to determine the increase in class X student achievement
througt the implementation of SMA Al-Muslimun Seikijang active learning
strategies on the subject of bowling campus stoichiometric. Sample consisted of
two homogeneous classes and classes were randomly selected as the control class
XA and XB grade class experiment. Form of research is experimental with
pretest-posttest design. Data obtained through the form of homogeneity test
techniques pretest-posttest and processed with statistical formula test-t.
Homogeneity test results were tested using the test-t, while the difference of the
two pretest-posttest were analyzed using a two sample test-t of the hypotesis.
Based on the results of statistical calculation with DK= 52 and α= 0,05 obtained
that tcount > ttable
(3,245 > 1,67) thus it can be concluded that the application of
active learning strategies on the subject of bowling campus stoichiometric
chemistry can improve learning achievement of students in class X SMA Al-Muslimun Seikijang school year 2012/2013 as big as 16,84%.
Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Bowling Kampus Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pokok Bahasan Hukum-Hukum Dasar Kimia Dan Perhitungan Kimia
Active learning strategies bowling campus, stoichiometric, student achievement