Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Pada Materi IPA SMA
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The aim of this study is to determine student learning outcomes through the
implementation of project-based learning strategies on second semester of science
class XI Babussalam Pekanbaru academic year2012/2013 for topic of static fluid.
The design used in this study is Intact Group Comparison, which is implemented at
two groups: the experiment class (with project-based learning strategies) and control
class(without project-based learning strategies). The instruments used for data
collection is cognitive learning outcomes and assessment of projects. The assessment
is conducted after the learning process complete, while the analyzed project after
project appraisal carried out at each meeting. From the analisys descriptive of all
these criteria data, including absorption, mastery learning and mastery learning
indicators obtained at the student's learning outcomes experimental class higher than
the control class. For descriptive assessment of the project on experimental class, the
result obtained is 93.46% with average of 94.58, respectively.
Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Pada Materi IPA SMA
laerning outcomes, project-based learning strategies, StaticFluid