Uji Validitas Dan Reliabilitas Skala Kepercayaan Diri Pada Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

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The purposes of this research are 1)To determine the validity level of confidence scale in class XI Science SMAN 5 Pekanbaru Academic Year 2012/2013, 2)To determine the reability of confidence scale in class XI Science SMAN 5 Pekanbaru Academic Year 2012/2013. While the benefits of the research is to extend the insight and knowledge about the validity and reliability of the confidence scale in high school students and can be used as a reference for further research. This research uses descriptive analytic method. To measure the validity and reliability of the confidence scale developed by the researcher, based on the characteristics of individuals who is stated by Thursan Hakim (2005). Processing of the data processed by statistical analysis with the aid of a computer program SPSS 11.5 for Windows. For validity, the correlations obtained ranged from 0.033 to 0.615 . The correlation between each item to the total score only item 33 and item 60 which has a probability value greater than 0.05 (p>0.05). Thus, item 33 and item 60 is declared invalid. From 60 items confidence scale that measured, 58 items is valid and 2 items are declared invalid. Then, the level of validity of the 58 items confident scale in this study contained 31 items are classified as moderate, 25 item is low and 2 item relatively very low. While, on reliability test by using Cronbach alpha values obtained 0.9074 which means as very reliable.


Uji Validitas Dan Reliabilitas Skala Kepercayaan Diri Pada Siswa


Validity, reliability, confidence

