Efektivitas Penyuluhan Pembuatan Pestisida Alami Dari Daun Pepaya (Carica Papaya) Menggunakan Multimedia Pada Petani di Desa Kempas Jaya Kecamatan Kempas Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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This research is based on a factorial design to evalaluate the effect of visualisation (still frame vs moving video and narration text vs verbal narration) for multimedia presentation. The fine, the were 4 treatments developed in the multimedia, namely: (1) Movie With Verbal Narration and Text (MVT), (2) Movie With Verbal Narration (MV), (3) Still Frame Video With Verbal Narration and Text (SVT) and (4) Still Frame With Verbal Narration (SV). This 10 minutes multimedia presentation were developed in lab Komsos Faperta, University of Riau, explainly the process of making natural pesticides from papaya leaves. The multimedia presentation were presented to 60 respondens in Desa Kempas Jaya, Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. The 60 respondens were grouped into 4 groups, according to the experimental design above. Result showed that MVT treatments gives the highest score (score= 11,3, t= 0,001) followed by MV (score= 8,73, t= 0,03) and than SVT (score= 8,13, t= 0,569) and the last SV (score= 8,07, t=0,578). It can be concluded, that MVT showed the most effective methode to explain to the respondens about the process of making natural pesticide from papaya leaves.


Suswatun Hasanah.Jur.2013


Multimedia, Natural Pesticide, Effective

