Pengaruh Latihan Reverse Curl Terhadap Ketepatan Smashpada Pemain Bulutangkis Siswa Sma Olahraga Pekanbaru.

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This research is experimental research. this research applied at students of sma olahraga pekanbaru. the data of this research got from pre test and post test before and applied training of reverse curl. And than the data research analyze in a descriptive. The results of identification the problem saw that the students badminton of sma olahraga not have good strength muscle of arm. It this because less of training that focus on condition ofphysical. because of that the purpose of this research is want to know is anyeffect training of reverse curl about exactness of Smash to badminton player In sma olahraga pekanbaru? The result analyze in test got t count of 7.92 and t table 1,833 in standard of significant 0.05, it means t count > t table. So the concluson is have effect that significant between training of reverse curl to exactness smash badminton players of sma olahraga pekanbaru. so in a level, training of reverse curl more influential to coincidentally smash.


Pengaruh Latihan Reverse Curl Terhadap Ketepatan Smashpada Pemain Bulutangkis


training of reverse curl, Exactness of Smash
