Hubungan Motivasi Berprestasi dengan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa PG PAUD UNRI Angkatan 2011 Pekanbaru
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The purpose of this research is to know the relation between motivation achievement
and the academic achievement of PG PAUD UNRI students in academic year 2011.
The sample used in this research 41 students. The collection data technique that used
is documentation and scale in form of Likert scale. The data analysis technique used
is scale test and statistics analyze method by using SPSS Windows Versi 17. This
research hypothesis is: there is a significant relation between motivations
achievement and the academic achievement of university students PG PAUD UNRI
in academic year 2011 Pekanbaru. It can be seen from the data analysis that is the
score of t count = 3,413 meanwhile score of t table (5%) (dk=n-2=41-2=39) so
= 1,684. Because t count is bigger than t table or 3,423 > 1,684 so can be concluded
that there is a significant relation between motivation with the academic achievement.
The determination coefficient is produced is as big = 0,2275 dengan p = 0,002 (p <
0,05) so can be seen that motivation achievement give big influence as 22,75% to
academic achievement of the university students.
Hubungan Motivasi Berprestasi dengan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa
motivation achievements, academic achievement