Hubungan Kecepatan Lari 30 Meter Dengan Kemampuan Dribbling Tim Sepakbola Lipuri Pekanbaru Tahun 2013
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Problem in this study originated from the observation of the author
encountered in the field, that is still a lot of football teams that have less Lipuri
Pekanbaru running speed of 30 meters in dribbling good ball, it is seen at the time
of the game, where players are difficult to pass and escape from custody
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of speed to run
30 yards to the dribbling skills Lipuri Pekanbaru Football Team in 2013. This type
of research is correlational. The population is Pekanbaru Lipuri Football Team,
which has 21 people, sampling in this study is to use the technique of sampling
total sample numbered as many as 21 people. to obtain research data used speed to
run 30 meters and dribbling skills.
Data were analyzed with a simple product moment correlation. Based on
the analysis of the data found that there was no significant relationship between
running speed of 30 meters to the dribbling skills Lipuri Pekanbaru Football Team
in 2013, where rtab at significant level α (0.05) = 0.433 means rcount (0,043) <r
Hubungan Kecepatan Lari 30 Meter Dengan Kemampuan Dribbling Tim Sepakbola Lipuri
Speed run 30 meters, dribbling Ball