The Influence Of The Care Of Parents In Giving Learning Motivation To The Student Learning Result Of Public Junior High School 4 Sintong Village, Tanah Putih District, Rokan Hilir County
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This research was conducted at public junior high school 4 Sintong
village, Tanah Putih district, Rokan Hilir county on April 2013, the population of
this research is all students ( male and female) of at public junior high school 4
numbered 120 students, while the sample of this research is class VII
, numbered
39 students. The Hypothesis which is posed is is there positive and significant
influence in giving study motivation from parents to the study result of at public
junior high school 4 Sintong village students. The data which is collected used
observation, questionaire, library study. Data analysis technique in prosessing X
and Y variabel F test which means F
count > F table
, the simple Regretion Linear
Analysis is Y= a + bX and Determination coefitient (R
The result of this research shows that giving study motivation from parents
gives positive and significant influence to the study result of student at at public
junior high school 4 Sintong village, Tanah Putih district, Rokan Hilir county, this
is shown from significant test which is known that F-count as many as ( 8,931) is
bigger than F-table as many as (4,1054) and with signification level as many as
0,005 is smaller than 0,05, which means that giving study motivation from parents
gives positive and significant and influenced to the study result. Then the number
of giving study motivation from parents can be shown from the result of
determination test ( R
) as many as 19,4% and the rest is 80,6% which influenced
by other factors
The Influence Of The Care Of Parents In Giving Learning Motivation To The Student Learning Result Of Public Junior High School 4 Sintong Village, Tanah Putih District, Rokan Hilir County
Parents, kinds of giving motivation from parents, the study result of students