Analisis Sikap Mahasiswa Terhadap Mata Kuliah Pancasila Di FKIP Universitas Riau
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The background research of the phenomena of student attitudes toward the
course in civic education University of Riau. The issues in this research are being
formulated in the formulation of the problem, namely how the attitude of students
towards Pancasila courses in Guidance and Counseling University of Riau and
what factors influence student attitudes towards courses in Guidance and
Counseling Pancasila University of Riau. This study aims to identify and analyze
how student attitudes toward the course in Guidance and Counseling Pancasila
University of Riau. Where the research is done in FKIP University of
Riau. Which became population in this study were all students of the University
of Riau FKIP. Namely around 2400 students while sampling technique refers to
the opinion that the Arikunto Suharsimi If the subject is less than 100 is better at
taking all that research is the study population, if the number of the subject, it can
take between 10-15% or 20-25% or more. So the researchers took 10% from 240
in 2400 to a sample of students from the University of Riau FKIP. The hypothesis
proposed in this study the authors were "students do not like or do not agree
tehadap Pancasila courses in Guidance and Counseling University of Riau". Based
on the results obtained by the author in the field through observation, angaket the
above hypothesis was rejected or not proven.
These results indicate that students' attitude towards subjects agree FKIP
Pancasila University in Riau. Because the percentage of respondents who
answered agreed 68.6% compared with 31.4% disagreed that. So it can be
concluded that the attitude of the students agreed to Pancasila courses in Guidance
and Counseling University of Riau
Analisis Sikap Mahasiswa Terhadap Mata Kuliah Pancasila
Attitudes of Students, Subjects Pancasila