Gambaran Aspek Sosial Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Kasih Ibu Desa Muara Jalai Kecamatan Kampar Utara
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Background of this research is children tend to refuse work in group,
aggressive, hit piers, isolate and don’t have intention to play along with piers, no
compromise, and no teamwork and friendship in team. This is means that students
of TK Kasih Ibu Desa Muara Jalai Kecamatan Kampar Utara are still individual.
The aim of this research is to know social aspect condition of children 5-6 year in
TK Kasih Ibu Desa Muara Jalai Kecamatan Kampar Utara. This is a descriptive
research with quantitative approach. Writer collect data using observation.
Number of sample in this research is 35, 21 male and 14 female. Based on
analysis, writer found that: aspect of ability to work in team is 45.71%. this is
categorized as just started. Aspect of ability to work with pears is 49.52%,
categorized as just started. Aspect of can play with piers is 49.52%, categorized
as just started. Aspect can lend stuff to piers is 50.47%, categorized as just
started, aspect helping each other is 48.57%, categorized as just started, aspect
stand in line is 58.09%, categorized as develop well, aspect control emotion is
50.47%, categorized as just started, aspect appreciate piers’ work is 45.85%,
categorized as just started. Aspect happy to get something is 78. 09%, categorized
as very well. Aspect of responsibility is 53.33%, categorized as just started.
Aspect expressing proudness is 70. 47%, categorized as develop well. Aspect work
protecting is 55.23%, categorized as just started, and aspect appreciate people is
54.28%, categorized as just started. Last, aspect appreciate that piers is better
than themselves is 56.19%, categorized as develop well. From all aspects, writer
get means 54.22%, categorized as just started. Based on this research, writer get
conclusion that the lowest aspect is work in group
Gambaran Aspek Sosial Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun
Childrens’ social aspect