Analisis Perbandingan Tingkat Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Antar Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Riau Tahun 2005-2011 Comparative Analysis Of Growth Between District/City Riauprovince Year 2005-2011

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Differences in economic growth between the District/City had an impact on the level of development between regions, which causes population compelled to migrate. Research purposes to classify the District/City Riau Province by: Sector base in GDP, inflation rate and the unemployment rate. Descriptive data analysis and quantitative data collection techniques documentation annual report BPS Riau Province. Analysis of GDP between districts/cities using the LQ formula. Comparative analysis of the inflation rate and the inflation rate and the inflation rate using the formula formula formula unemployment rate using the unemployment rate. The results show, seen from the Oil and Gas GDP with agriculture known: Kuansing, Inhu, Inhil, Pelalawan, Kampar and Rohul. Mining and quarrying sector: Siak, Bengkalis and Rokan Hilir. Manufacturing sector: Dumai. Sector Trade, hotels and restaurants: Meranti Islands, as well as electricity, gas and water and the financial sector, leasing and business services: Pekanbaru. Views of non-oil GDP, the agricultural sector: Inhil, Pelalawan, Rohul and Rokan Hilir. Mining and quarrying sector: Kuansing and Kampar. Manufacturing sector: Siak and Inhu. Trade, hotel and restaurant: Meranti Islands and Bengkalis. Transport and communications sector: Dumai, as well as electricity, gas and water supply and the financial sector, leasing and business services: Pekanbaru. The magnitude of the inflation rate below 10 percent. Highest male unemployment from Dumai average 12.24 percent per year, the highest 2 female unemployment comes from Rohil average 26.12 percent per year, and the unemployment of men and women from Dumai highest average 16.05 percent per year.


Analisis Perbandingan Tingkat Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Antar Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Riau


Economic Growth, Gross Regional Domestic Bruto, Inflation Rate and Unemployment Rate
