Penerapan Metode Drill untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas V SD Beer Seba Pekanbaru

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Abstract The result of writer ‘s research with social teacher at fifth grade, that her students cannot be understood the material presented by teacher with several methods. To improved increased the student’s result,so the Twriter of fered drill method, because thebresult of teacher’s research wasn’t good . This research was purposed to know the result of social studies at fifth graderes SD Beer Seba Pekan Baru on struggle against the enem. This research was done at fifth gradeof SD Beer Seba on second semester on 2011/2012 on February 2012, this class consists of thirty students, 21 boys and agirls. Design of research by using action research class (PTK). In the data analisis, the inceased of teacher’s activity in the first meeting 61,36%. Increased the second 70,45% and then in third meeting 86,36% and fourth meeting 90,91%. meanwhile, the percentage of student’s activity in the first meeting 47,37% and then increased in the seceond meeting 59,09% inprovement of students activity is better in the third meeting 77,27% and in the fourth part 95,45% .It was found that student’s mean score reach 65,34 after apply of drill method for first step on reach 73,70 that percentage increased 17 ,19%. So will b de a mended as necessary in the second meeting ,the student result on reach 77,55 that percentage improved 23,44%. In conclusion, implementation of drill method was able to improve students achievement on social studies at the five grade of SD Beer Seba PekanBaru


Penerapan Metode Drill untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa


Drill method, improved archievement on studet’s social studies
