Penerapan Model QuantumTeaching Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 81 Kota Pekanbaru

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This research problem in SD Negeri 81 pekanbaru to indicate mathematic achievement is low. Because teacher used the learning model is teacher center, students less interest with the subject, and students received less attention from the teacher. Throught of that application the learning model very important in learning process and then decide the mathematic achievement. This research forms is the Classroom Action Research. The aims in this reasearch is application of Quantum Teaching Model to improve the mathematic achievement in fifth grader of SD Negeri 81 Pekanbaru. Quantum Teaching Model is a model of learning by changing the learning with all the solemn atmosphere that focuses on the dynamic relationships within the classroom. Formulation of the problem is : "Is the application of Quantum Teaching model could improve mathematic achievement in fifth grader of SD negeri 81 Pekanbaru?”. The hypothesis is: " If application this Quantum Teaching model, it could improve mathematic achievment in fifth grader of SD negeri 81 Pekanbaru “. The data obtained by the quantitative data. In this study, the data collected is data in the form of tests of student mathematic achievment through the cycle repeats and data on the activities of teachers and students, and and then analyzed. The results of this study indicate that the replication cycle I increased individual student mastery of basic score is 52,78 % to 61,11% of the cycle I, increase 8,33 point. And of the cycle II is 88,89 % increase 27,78 point from cycle I. Base score to cycle II increase 36,11 point. In teacher observation seen increased activity, 65,6% at the first meeting, in the second meeting increase 18,8% to 84,4%, the third meeting increase 12,5% to 96,9%, and the fourth meeting increase 3,1 % to 100%. As well at students,the observation also increased 66,7% at the first meeting, in the second meeting increased 16,6% to 83,3%, the third meeting increased 12,5% to 95,8%, and the fourth meeting increased 4,2% to 100%. So the results of this researchare similar with the hypothesis.


Penerapan Model QuantumTeaching Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika


Quantum Teaching, Math Achievement
