Aspektualitas Bahasa Banjar Hulu

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This research antitles ”Aspectuality of Banjar Hulu Languange”. The research that writer did about Aspectuality of Banjar Hulu Languange analyze pemarkah and meaning of aspectuality in phrase level. The theories that was used (1) Tadjuddin (2005) The consept of aspectuality Rusia langunge and Indonesian langunge in linguistic study, (2) Sumarlam (2001) the consept of aspectuality Javaness in area morphology and syntax, (3) Djajasudarma (2003) is about the meaning of aspectuality. The collecting data used interview of five informants. The data analysis used subtitution technique. The result of this research were pemarkah and the meaning aspectuality of Banjar Hulu langunge. Pemarkah aspectuality of Banjar Hulu langunge is sign of adverb such as sudah, balum, sadang, imbah, hanyar, etc. the meaning aspectuality of Banjar Hulu language consit of aspectuality ingressive, inkoative, terminative, imperfective, progressive, intensive, iterative, semelfaktive, durative, diminutive, atenuative, akumulative, distributive, finitive, komitative, habituative, kompletif, frekuantive.


Aspektualitas Bahasa


Aspectuality, Banjar Hulu Langunge
