Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Bercerita Berpasangan (Paired Storytelling) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pelajaran Ips Di Kelas Viii Mts Negeri Muara Fajar Rumbai

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The background of the problem in this research is in the process of learning the teacher gives as much information and the student in charge to listen. And this is what causes students to be passive in learning. Therefore, students need to be more independent and active by implementing storytelling paired with a language that is easily understood. The results of this study indicate that the learning outcomes of students has increased from the first cycle following the daily tests as many as 32 students, from 32 students who completed only by 27 students (78.12%) and an incomplete 4 students (21.87%) . In the second cycle are held daily tests of 32 students who completed there were 29 students (90.62%) did not complete there are 3 students (9.3 7%). Based on these results it can be concluded that the pair talked to improve student learning outcomes in social studies.


Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Bercerita Berpasangan (Paired Storytelling) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar


Learning Outcomes, Recalled Pairs
