Hubungan Kelenturan Pergelangan Tangan Dengan Hasil Jump Shot Pada Team Basket Putri Sma Negeri 3 Pekanbaru

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The purpose of this study was to determine how much flexibility wrist ties with the outcome jump shot at the girls' basketball team SMAN 3 Pekanbaru. The research was done in the field of sports college basketball riau, tassel with a total sample of 13 people. There are two variables in this study are variable X (wrist spasticity) with a variable Y (the jump shot). The method used by correlation techniques. Instrument used in this research is a test wrist flexibility and results jump shot. Furthermore, the data in the test data normality (normality of data), by using liliefors test, then test correlation (product moment correlation) to determine how much the relationship between the variables X (wrist spasticity) with a variable Y (jump shot) and the t test for determine whether or not significant data. From the test data correlation was obtained for the correlation coefficient r = 0.2895 where keberartiannya tested by t test at can t count = 1.03 <ttable = 1.771 Ho received in other words, the relationship between variable X with Y categorized variable is very low with significant level of α = 0.05 in other words there is no significant relationship between wrist flexibility with results jump shot at SMAN 3 girls' basketball team Pekanbaru.


Hubungan Kelenturan Pergelangan Tangan Dengan Hasil Jump Shot


Wrist Spasticity, Jump Shoot's Result
