Efektivitas Chitosan Kulit Udang Terhadap Nilai Gizi Mie Basah Sebagai Sumber Belajar Biologi Dengan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Pada Konsep Bioteknologi

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Chitosan shrimp shell chitosan can be used as an alternative preservative, this research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of chitosan shrimp shells of an nutritional value of wet noodles as a source of biological studies with a model problem based learning in biotechnology concepts. The research was used experiment motode with completely randomized design (CRD) which consisting of 5 treatment and 3 repetition. Data analysis with ANOVA analysis, if there is a real difference which further tests conducted Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). There was used relationship between the concentration of chitosan with protein levels , carbohydrate, and water with regression as Y = a + bx. Results of research show provision of chitosan can increase protein and carbohydrate levels of a noodle, otherwise provision of chitosan can be lower noodle water level. Noodle organoleptik have good smell, good colour and good texture. Results of the research can be using as an exercise student (LTS) learning material at high school (SMA).


Efektivitas Chitosan Kulit Udang Terhadap Nilai Gizi Mie Basah Sebagai Sumber Belajar Biologi


Chitosan, Nutritional value, Wet noodles
