Using Cartoon Movie Stories To Increase The Listening Ability Of The Second Year Students Of SMA N 1 Tambusai

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LISTENING ABILITY OF THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF SMA N 1 TAMBUSAI Rahmiza, Erni, Maisrul English Study Program Language and art Department Teacher’s Training and Education Faculty University of Riau Abstract This study was aimed at finding out the increasing students listening ability by using cartoon movie stories for the second year students at SMA N 1 Tambusai. The subjects were 25 students from class XI social at SMA N 1 Tambusai. This study was classroom action research it consisted of four stages they were planning, action, observation and reflection. To identify the competence of the students, the writer used Pre-test and Post-tests. Besides that, there were some students’ observation sheets and teacher observation sheets used to record of the classroom activity during the treatment. Treatments were designed for fourth meetings in one cycle. The result showed that there was an improvement by using cartoon movie stories strategy. It could be proven by comparing the average score between pre test and post test. The average score of pre test was 59,2 (poor to average), while the average of post test was 74,2 (average to good), it has reached the minimum criteria of successful in one cycle. It can be concluded that cartoon movie stories could increa


Using Cartoon Movie Stories To Increase The Listening Ability Of The Second Year


Increasing, ability, cartoon movie stories
