Citraan Dalam Kumpulan Sajak Hai-Ti Karya Ibrahim Sattah

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CITRAAN DALAM KUMPULAN SAJAK HAI-TI KARYA IBRAHIM SATTAH Rudi Anwar Hasibuan Syafrial Elmustian Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Riau Pekanbaru ABSTRACT Form of contemporary poem tend to be overruled by the readers because assumed difficult to be interpreted, more than anything else poem owning supertitous formula pattern. This is background of this research. In period of his, Ibrahim Sattah wrote three the collection of poems, that is: collection of poems Dandandid, Ibrahim and Hai-Ti. Writer chose the Hai-Tis’ collection of poems masterpiece of Ibrahim Sattah as the research object because the collection of poems were the last of his. The Hai-Tis’ collection of poems masterpiece of Ibrahim Sattah have 26 poems and all of that become sampel for this research or sampel full from number of all populations. Data collecting technique that used is documentation technique, that is read the books that relate to the problems of this research. Data analyse technique that used is read the poems in Hai-Tis’ collection of poems masterpiece of Ibrahim Sattah, then identfied the data according to problems researched, classifying data marking image, then determined dominant image and determined aspect which tend to be discussed in that collection of poems. Writer wants to know how the image that there are in the collection of poems. This research purpose to laying open, saying out and analysing the image that there are in Hai-Tis’ collection of poems masterpiece of Ibrahim Sattah. After that, determined dominant image and determined aspect which tend to be discussed in that collection of poems. Based on research had did, conclude that in Hai-Tis’ collection of poems masterpiece of Ibrahim Sattah there is visual images which dominant and poem has more images is Ibrahim poem. From




Visual image, auditory image, smell image,, taste image, tactile image, kinaesthetic image and the Hai-Tis’ collection of poems
