Penerapan Teknik Membaca Sekilas untuk Menentukan Gagasan Pokok Siswa Kelas IVA SD Negeri 012 Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru

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Penerapan Teknik Membaca Sekilas untuk Menentukan Gagasan Pokok Siswa Kelas IVA SD Negeri 012 Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru Oleh Salmi Syahreini N 1, Otang Kurniaman 2, Erlisnawati 3 Abstract The research was carried out starting from low ability to determine key ideas. Formulation of the problem this research is the application of scanning techniques to determine key ideas IVA SDN 012 Tassel coastal city of Pekanbaru? The subjects were students of class IVA SDN 012 Tassel coastal city of Pekanbaru, amounting to 31 students, which consisted of 15 female students and 16 male students. This study aims to improve the ability to determine key ideas by applying skimming IVA SDN 012 Tassel coastal city of Pekanbaru. The results are as next: (1) the activities of teachers in meeting one sikus I get the value of 86.1 (both categories), at a meeting 2 increased to 100 (excellent category); Cycle II meeting one gets a value of 100 (excellent category) and at the meeting of 2 to 100 (very good category), (2) akitivitas students in cycle 1 meeting I get the value of 77.6 (both categories), at the meeting 2 increased to 84.3 (both categories), and on the second cycle meeting one gets the value of 88.9 (both categories), meeting 2 increased to 93.9 (excellent category), and (3) the initial data is 55.2 (low category) with 19.4% of students completeness or 6 people. The first daily test cycle improved by an average of 76.4 (medium category) with 64.5% completeness students or 20 people, the second cycle of daily tests obtained on average 87.1 (high category) with 93.5% completeness students or 29 people. Thus, the hypothesis in this study is acceptable.


Penerapan Teknik Membaca Sekilas untuk Menentukan Gagasan Pokok


Reading Techniques Overview, Basic Ideas
