The Effect of Seaweed ( Eucheuma cottonii ) on Consumer Acceptance of Dried Noodles

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The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology and Food Chemistry Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau in Mei 2012. The research was intended to determine the effect of seaweed on consumer acceptance of dried noodles. About 6 kg dry seaweed were taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. The seaweed was ground and made for seaweed flour. Four formulations of dried noodle were prepared by addition of different percentage of seaweed flour: 0% (control), 10%, 20% and 30%. The final products were estimated for consumers acceptance, moisture, protein and crude fiber. The result indicated that the dried noodles fortified with 100 g seaweed flour was the best quality product. Proximat compotition of the product was moisture: 3.974%, protein: 12.652% and crude fiber: 0.741%.



seaweed, dried noodle, consumer acceptance
