Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Everyone Is A Teacher Here Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Pkn Siswa Kelas Xi Sman 1 Kampar Timur Kecamatan Kampar Timur Kabupaten Kampar.

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PENGARUH STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN EVERYONE Is A TEACHER HERE TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR PKn SISWA KELAS XI SMAN 1 KAMPAR TIMUR KECAMATAN KAMPAR TIMUR KABUPATEN KAMPAR. Mutia Hayati 1), Sri Erlinda2), Zahirman2) 1)Mahasiswa Program Studi PKn Universitas Riau 2)Dosen Program Studi PKn Universitas Riau ABSTRACT The research by using Everyone is a Teacher Here strategy aims to increase the students' motivation in learning Civics education at the class XI of SMAN 1 Kampar Timur Kecamatan Kampar Timur Kabupaten Kampar. The reseach had been done on July until August 2012. The sample consisted of two classes, namely class IPS 2 as the experimental class and class IPS 3 as control one . The experimental class is a class given implementation of Everyone is a Teacher Here strategy, while the control class is a class that is not given the treatment of the strategy. The population of the research is 258 students in the class XI of the SMAN 1 Kampar Timur. The sample of the research is 68 students, the number of students taken by purposive sampling. To analyze the data was used the homogeneity test. The data obtained through questionnaires and observation sheets of students’ motivation in learning civics education especially on the subject of the system of political culture in Indonesia. Then the data were analyzed by using t test. The results showed the experimental class of students' motivation scores (XI IPS 2) was higher than the control class (XI IPS 3). Before getting the treatment students’ motivation average in experimental class (XI IPS 2) was 22.17 and after given the treatment was 32.26. While the control class (XI IPS 3) the average of students’ motivation before given the treatment was 22.91 and after given the treatment was 27.32. Based on t-test, the score t- of both classes (experimental and control) is t-calculated> t-table or 8.37> 2.00. It means that there is a significant difference of 5% between students’ motivation in civics education before and after being taught by using Everyone is a Teacher Here strategy and the students’ motivation taught by using conventional one.


Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Everyone Is A Teacher Here Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Pkn


Everyone is a Teacher Here, Students’ Motivation, Civics Education
