Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Terhadap Tingkat Hunian Kamar Studi Kasus Pada Hotel Ibis Pekanbaru
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This research was conducted at Ibis Hotel Fekanbaru. The consideration oj
choosing this company is because it is one of service company in hoteling sector wich
has sufficient influence in Pekanbaru. The problem of Ibis Hotel was the difficulity to
reash room selling target every years. This research aims to know various promotion
wich is used to increase occupancy at Ibis Hotel.
The sample of this research was several guests who staying on 2008 at Ibis
Hotel. This research's data is collected through questioner dan interview. Then data
was analzed by double regression analysis technique through SPSS program which
showed that there was influence variable between social relation to occupancy and
there is no influence among variable advertising, direct selling, and private selling with
occupancy. So, the varous promotion variable of socialization.