Using Pqp (Praise – Question - Polish) Technique To Improve The Sma Santa Maria Pekanbaru Second Year Students’ Ability In Writing Hortatory Exposition Text

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USING PQP (PRAISE – QUESTION - POLISH) TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE THE SMA SANTA MARIA PEKANBARU SECOND YEAR STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITING HORTATORY EXPOSITION TEXT Herni Lestari, Rumiri R. Aruan, Hadriana Abstract The research entitled “Using PQP (Praise – Question – Polish) Technique to Improve The SMA Santa Maria Pekanbaru Second Year Students’ Ability in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text. The necessity of revitalizing and renewing the teaching technique to enhance students’ writing ability was highly demanded. Students’ ability in writing was still unsatisfactory as 78.79% of them could not reach the Minimum Standard Achievement at the given pre-test. This research is aimed to investigate and analyze whether there was any improvement on the ability of the second year students of SMA Santa Maria Pekanbaru in writing hortatory exposition text. The participants of this study were 33 students of XI IPA 1, academic year 2011/2012. The research was conducted for two (2) cycles. The quantitative and qualitative data was gained by using writing test, observation sheets, and field notes. A crucial improvement on the students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition text was appeared after implementing PQP technique. This was proved by the increasing average score of pre-test from 63 to 82 for post-test 1 and 86 for post-test 2. The students’ interest and motivation in writing were increased as their enthusiasm and excitement in learning process were also uplifted as shown in the increasing of the average score of students’ activities from 76.46% in cycle 1 to 93.33% in cycle 2. Besides, all aspects of writing could be improved well. As the conclusion, the application of PQP technique was successfully improved the XI IPA 1 students’ ability and activeness in writing hortatory exposition text. They were highly motivated to PQP thei


Using Pqp (Praise – Question - Polish) Technique To Improve


PQP technique, writing ability, and hortatory exposition text
