Gender Responsiveness of Land Management Policy Supporting Bengawan Solo Watershed Revitalization

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This research is conducted to know gender responsiveness from cultivating land policies to support Bengawan Solo Watershed revitalization using Gender Analysis Pathways (GAP) model. Data is collected by documentation study, interview, and observation in three institutions; Forestry and Plantation Official Wonogiri Regency, Balai Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (BPDAS) Solo, and Perum Perhutani KPH Surakarta. Sampling technique used in the qualitative descriptive research is purposive sampling with snowball method. The data is analyzed using content analysis technique. The research shows that most of land management policy in three locations still neutral gender. Responsive gender in land management policy formulation is only found in Pengarusutamaan Gender (PUG) program in Forestry Development (Letter Decision of Forestry Ministry Number 82/Kpts-II/2003 about Forestry PUG Group Work). There is a gender discrepancy especially for accessing (chance/opportunity to cultivate land), role (participation in cultivating land), controlling (power to make decision), and benefit (benefit/result from the best land management). It needs a reformation to the justice and gender equality in the available policy reformulation form and arranging land management grand design to support Bengawan Solo Watershed revitalization mixing land management policies from each institution in the affirmative action policy/program/activity and gender mainstreaming.



gender, watershed, land management
