Effect of Red Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) Powder Administration to The Quantity and Quality of Spermatozoa of Allethrin-Exposed House Mice (Mus Musculus)

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Allethrin is an active chemical agent used in several variants of mosquito repellant products. When inhaled, allethrin is suspected to disrupt the quality of spermatozoa characterized by the reduction in amount, motility, and viability as well as the increase in morphological anomalies. This research is aimed to determine the effect of Eucheuma cottonii powder towards the quality and quantity of spermatozoa of house mice (Mus musculus) exposed by allethrin from electric mosquito repellant device. This research was carried out using laboratory experimental method with completely randomized design. The observation of the quality and quantity of spermatozoa were conducted right after acclimatization process (T0), at day 14 (T1), day 28 (T2), and day 42 (T3) after acclimatization process. Parameters of spermatozoa observed were the quantity, motility, morphology, and viability. Data were tested by One-way ANOVA and, if proven influential, were followed up by Tukey test information. The results showed that Eucheuma cottonii’s powder could only increase the quantity and motility spermatozoa of mice exposed to allethrin.



Eucheuma cottonii, allethri, quantity and quality of spermatozoa, mus musculus
