A Study On The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of SMA Pgri Pekanbaru In Comprehending Hortatory Exposition Texts

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The study aimed to find out the ability of the second year students in comprehending hortatory exposition texts. This research was conducted at SMA PGRI Pekanbaru on May to June 2013. The participants were 36 students of class XI IA 3 of SMA PGRI Pekanbaru. The data were collected by using multiple choices test. The writer administered a try out to another class before the test was administered. There were 5 items being revised after doing the try out. 2 items revised because their facility value scores were lower than 0.30 (difficult), and 3 items being revised because their facility value scores were higher than 0.70 (easy). The result of this study showed that the students’ mean score in comprehending hortatory exposition text was 63.1. So, it can be concluded that the students’ ability was in “good” level. Based on the result of the students’ ability in each of reading comprehension component, the most difficult component of reading comprehension for the students was making inference and the easiest one was identifying reference.


A Study On The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of SMA Pgri Pekanbaru In Comprehending Hortatory Exposition Texts


Descriptive research,, Hortatory Exposition Text., Reading Comprehension,
