Pengaruh Bimbingan Kelompok Terhadap Sikap Siswa Tentang Disiplin Orang Tua Di Sma N 2 Tambang Kecamatan Tambang TP.2012/2013.

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PENGARUH BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK TERHADAP SIKAP SISWA TENTANG DISIPLIN ORANG TUA DI SMA N 2 TAMBANG KECAMATAN TAMBANG TP.2012/2013. Tria januariza ¹ Drs. Syardi yusuf,kons ² Drs. Abu Asyari,kons ¹ Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bimbingan dan Konseling, Email : ² Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Bimbingan Konseling FKIP Universitas Riau Abstract.athe family referred to as the primary educational environment because most of life children are in the family, the education of the most widely accepted by the child is in the family. In high school discipline for children is different with children aged two and a half years. formation of an attitude influenced by the social and cultural environment such as family, norms, class, religion and customs. The purpose of this study was to: (1.) To reveal the students 'attitudes toward discipline parents before held group counseling. (2.) To reveal the students' attitudes towards counseling discipline group of parents held after group counseling. (3.) To determine the effect of students 'attitudes toward discipline parents before and after the group held guidance. (4.) To determine the contribution of the influence of group counseling students' attitudes towards parental discipline. In connection with the applicable procedures and implemented in this study there are several stages (1.) Assumptions and hypotheses of the study (2.) And Samel population studies (3.) Method research and science (4.) Data and data collection tools (5.) data analysis techniques. In this study using three formulas. High, Medium, Low (Anas Sudijono (2001), the percentage formula Sudijono Anas (2001: 40) and R test (sugiono (2010: 122). Findings, successfully revealed the general effect of group counseling on students' attitudes about the elderly is discipline obtained value of r = 0.57, then the determinant coefficient (r2) is 57, meaning that the effect of group counseling on increasing students' attitudes about parental discipline at SMAN 2 TAMNANG 57%. while 43% is influenced by other factors contained in the student and the environment the students.


Pengaruh Bimbingan Kelompok Terhadap Sikap Siswa Tentang Disiplin Orang Tua Di Sma


group counseling for attitudes, and parental discipline

