Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Mahasiswa Program Studi Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unri Dengan Modern Literarary Texts

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The problem that researcher found in teaching reading skill subject is low ability of students in comprehending the text, less motivation to read english text, limited vocabularry. Students reads only academic text material in reading skill subjects. There are some factors that causes these problems.One of them is less actractive reading material. In this action research the researcher wants to create, and compile the reading material ffor the aim that this creative, and inovative reading materials are able to improve students reading comprehension skill and their motivation in reading. The sources of this reading materials are modem literary text. The type of modem literary texts selected by researcher are play with three up to seven scene long, and short story with two up to thrity pages long. Theme selected for these materials are, social dislocation,, life struggle ,adventure, prejudice, friendship, and crime. Studentse These selelcted text themes war offered to the class for six meetings. Every meeting the students selected one theme. There three topics of play selected by student namely; The Glass Menagerrie"By Tenneessee Williams, Of Mice and Man by John Steibeck danv4 street Car Named Desired by Tenneessee Williams. In addition, three topics short story choos by students are On the Rainy River by Tim 0 ' Brien, Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield, dan The Man in the Black Suit by Stephen King. The action was done in two cycle with three meeting for each cycle and ont literary text for each meeting. Thre result of this research showed tha;l)students are more intrested in reading literary text with theme social dislocation,, life struggle ,adventure, friendship.2)Modem literary text was able to increase students reading comprehension. The avegare of students achievment before doing action wass 64..2 , average of students score after cycle one the was 71.2 and after cycle two was 76.8. In conclusion, the increase of students reading comprehension was 12.4.and 3) The analysis of the qualitatif data was foundt hat students activites and motivation inteaching learning proses showed the significant improvement.



modern literary text, reading comprehension, learning materials
