The use of survival rate of peat water quality with Aerofiltration and Electrocoagulation system as rearing media for Cyprinus carpio

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The research aim to increase peat water quality with aerofiltration and electrocoagulation system, the produk can use as life media of Cyprinus carpio. This reseach was conducted from Desember 2011 – Maret 2012, Rimbo Panjang Village, Tambang District District Kampar. The prosesor completed with 2 reaktor, 1st reactor was be content by zeolit, sand and charcoal. 2nd reactor consist from alluminium plate that act as anoda and catoda. The peat water was taken from canal of Rimbo panjang village, Kampar regency. The peat water was flown continuously to the 1st reactor and 2nd reactor with rate of flow 0,6 L/min. The processed peat water was flown into 3 aquaria as rearing media for Cyprinus carpio (10 fish/ aquaria). Samplings were conducted 4 times, once/week and water samples were taken from the inlet and outlet of the 1st reactor and also outlet of the 2nd reactor. Parameter measured were TSS, colour, H2S and survivalrate of the fish. The result, consentration from parameters measured while research. The 4nd reseach period, effectiveness TSS about 39,39% (165-52 mg/l), H2S about 82,41% (0,021-0,001mg/l) and colour about 95,24% (189-1075mg/l). And the end of research have hing effectiveness and then can support rate of survival for Cyprinus carpio about 100%. The results shown, its can concluded that the processor was effective in reducing TSS, collour and H2S in the peat water.



aerofiltrasi, elektrokoagulasi, kelulushidupan ikan uji
